
Monday, May 17, 2010

Whats next!?

A Cat in the office.

A turtle in the kitchen...

and a some chick is on my computer!

Whats next!?


  1. Ha, that's awesome. You have a turtle?! We have 3 turtles :)

  2. We just had a turtle visiting... I am working up a blog post on her now.:)

  3. Ha ha, sometimes the short ones are the best, 'a chick is on my computer' indeed!

  4. you need a weasel in your laundry.

  5. I am sure with all these animals in the house that I will end up with at least a rat in the laundry! ;)

  6. My brother used to have turtles...But he had a habit of playing with them in the yard and then losing them...

  7. Karen,
    That is so funny. That kind of reminds me of when my girl friend pulled over and picked a up a turtle on the side of the road. She called me to tell me about her heroic efforts to save it.... the next day she called me and said she forgot to bring it back in the house before it got to hot outside... well lets just say "so much for saving it".... ;)
