
Monday, August 23, 2010

Learning to Teach.

Sometimes being a parent is the hardest job in the world. The only true parental preparation is the on the job training. There are nights that I go to bed with tear filled eyes and pray that the almighty will help me get this parenting thing figure out.

As I become a more seasoned parent, I'm learning that I will never have it completely right.  (Although I do aspire not to mess them up too bad.)  I really think that there should be a Storey's Guide to Raising Children. No, that wont work as I have found that Storey doesn't have a universal animal rearing down to fool proof either, although very helpful. Perhaps thats why babies don't come with a manual.

 Anyways... I have learned that what works with one child will most definitely not work with the other. Trying to find each child's learning niche has remained a constant endeavor. My son who is quite different than my daughter who thoroughly loves to push her personal limits. My son enjoys his comfort zone. Both of these opposite personalities have their pluses. My son is easy going, very calm and plays well by himself. My daughter on the other hand is extremely active (at all times) and enjoys interaction with others.

Sissy is three years older than my son. We had more time to learn what works for her. Not to mention the three years of undivided attention that she received before she had a little brother. So figuring out my sons interest, his strengths and weaknesses and his passions has been slightly less obvious to us.

BUT  I finally found a way to teach him his colors!!!!!


  1. awesome! sounds like both of you learned some things

  2. What an adorable picture!

    Boy how I wish there were a manual. Mine is 14 now and I thought four was bad! If they could write up a book on how to deal with teenagers they-whoever they are-would be millionaires!

  3. Ben,
    With these guys, there isnt a day that goes by that they don't teach me something. :)

    Thanks. Not that I wish for anyone to be as lost as I can often feel, I do find comfort in knowing that I wasn't the only one denied a manual. And as far as the teenage thing... Please tell me that the old saying "It returns ten fold" is untrue!?!?!?! I just don't know if I could handle a teenager that is 10x's worse than myself... I wondering is that 10x's divided between my husband and I or is that 10xs a piece... making it 20xs... O lordy I hope not, he was way worse than me! Are you SURE you didn't get a manual!? Maybe its in the manual? I was heavily sedated when I had my kids so I could have easily lost mine. Im going to go look again.

    Just kidding... but I do always look forward to the easy fun parts of parenting. :)

  4. He's a regular Picasso, truly...his fingers tell you so!
    My paws would be into that paint stuff so fast you wouldn't believe it...but alas my guys have figured out my technique and no messy paint stuff hangin' around ever!

  5. Very Cute! And colorful! Quit looking for that manual.....IF there was such a thing, I would have paid thousands and thousands for it years ago!

  6. leigh- have you started on your dulcimer yet or on the tractor rebuild. you're gonna love both of those items. Jim

  7. Karen and Sophie,
    Thank you. I need to record some of this and start posting videos... he was so funny when he started painting his arm!

    I haven't started practicing the dulcimer yet. I'm thinking that will be a late winter endeavor. I have started browsing for a back wheel for Linda.
    The left wheel is completely rusted out. We were hoping to catch a deal at a tractor junk yard but most of them are wanting what it would cost to purchase a new one. So I think we will be ordering a new one. Then we have to get back tires. Once we do that, she is once again drivable, and we will move her from the barn into the workshop.
    Thanks for asking. Ill keep you updated! :)
